Monday 18 May 2015

An addiction

Hey everyone, I haven't blogged in agessss as it is now exam season in the UK and iv'e been preapring for my exams but my last one is this thursday WOOHOOO. But as i have the time right now I thought i'd do a quick post on one of my many addictions which is Tumblr.

I joined tumblr about 2 years ago and at the time I never really felt like I understood it that well and I'd just reblog anything and everything but as the years have gone on I feel like ive come to appreciate it more and more and more and i'm in love with it. Tumblr has helped me discover my love for photographs whether they're capturing special moments, things in the natural world, food, beauty products, art work, outfit posts just anything really. I just love how one simple photo can just tell so much. I believe that my tumblr is the BOMB so I advise you all to follow me on there I do follow back if you repost things that im interested in. I'll just leave a few pictures of my tumblr below.

This is just a taster of my tumblr but feel free to check it out and follow me click here to see my tumblr.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Hello March

Hi everyone, I know its been a while since i've posted something but today I'm back with the first post of the year. If you don't know already i am a HUGE HUGE fan of nail varnish, I just love painting my nails all different colours. In particular I loveeeeee Barry M nail varnishes, they're the only brand of nail varnish that I buy. I just love them because they have a wide variety of colours which are so bright and bold and they are very affordable. Recently they have a released a new range called speedy quick dry and I think the colours are perfect as spring is soon approaching and they are perfect colours for spring.

(Colours from left to right) 

Top row: Full Throttle, Pole Position, Pit Stop, Stop The Clock, Lap of Honour, 
Bottom Row: Road Rage, In a Heart Beat, Kiss Me Quick , Eat My Dust

This range can be purchased in Superdrugs or Boots for an affordable price of £3.99 each or right now at Superdrugs they're doing 2 for £7 on this range. I hope you all love the colours as much as I do, I can't wait to try them out.

Bye for now xxx
P.s Pinch punch first day of the month no returns :), todays the 1st March and Im hoping you all have a very blessed and productive month